FMF Factory 4.1 Stainless Steel Mufflers might not be made of anodised titanium like their big brothers, but they certainly still pack a punch when it comes to upgrading the performance of your four-stroke machine. These beauties still feature all the same performance upgrades as the anodised titanium model, they just come in at a slightly heavier weight, due to their stainless steel construction. They still feature the same carbon fibre end cap, though, and the natural finish to the canister is a work of art in its own right. Enhanced throttle response and performance gains throughout the entire RPM range are just some of the features of the 4.1 Stainless Mufflers, so if you're looking at upgrading your dirt bikes performance without completely breaking the bank, these are going to be a solid option.
FMF Megabomb Headers are the ultimate performance upgrade header pipe you'll ever bolt onto your four-stroke dirt bike. The science behind the FMF Megabomb header is perhaps one of FMF's greatest engineering accomplishments yet, and considering the range of impressive products they've constructed throughout their time, that's saying something. You can bolt one of these bad boys on with an existing FMF Muffler and makes gains all the way up to a 3hp boost, which is incredible! Plus, the Megabomb Header pipe can actually reduce noise levels by as much as 1.5dB, so it's a win-win situation all around. The technology behind the Megabomb works to produce a higher low end to mid-range power gains, as well as broadening the mid to top-end power of your stock exhaust header.
The Factory 4.1 RCT incorporates the latest in FMF Resonance Chamber Technology™ both internally and externally. In addition, we achieve a shorter overall length that is less susceptible to crash damage and complementary to our Factory Forward Engineering - moving the muffler closer to the motor to centralise mass. The Factory 4.1 RCT is constructed from only aerospace grade materials that meet our exacting specifications and is manufactured 100% at our Southern California factory.
- Available in Natural Aluminium Muffler with Carbon End Cap
- Massive Power gains throughout the RPM range.
- Huge weight savings
- New RTS (Rapid Tuning System)
- Advanced engineering and patented design
- Meets AMA/FIM 94dB sound requirement
- Spark arrestor available for purchase
- Available in natural titanium or blue anodised finish
- Use with FMF or stock/OEM header
- Easily serviced for repacking
- FMF uses the highest quality proprietary blend of alloy grade titanium made especially to our standards.